We are building and managing rental housing for people and planet by creating beautiful, sustainable, desirable homes and shared spaces that will foster thriving neighbourhoods for generations to come. Kindred Works is addressing the housing crisis in Canada by providing mixed-income homes on urban infill properties.
We convene organizations, experts, investors and individuals who want to unlock opportunities for people and communities all over the country.
To make sure we are bringing the maximum benefit to everyone, we are continually monitoring our performance.
To make sure we are bringing the maximum benefit to everyone, we are continually monitoring our performance.
We do this so that with each project, our potential for unlocking financial, social and environmental opportunities grows.
Because we must prove that ideals can become reality.
We do this so that with each project, our potential for unlocking financial, social and environmental opportunities grows.
Because we must prove that ideals can become reality.
We bring together organizations, experts and partners who can help make our goal of unlocking opportunities for everyone a reality. From architects to sustainability leaders to community and culture creators, we’re building a growing network of collaborators who believe in our vision.
We make things happen. Using our knowledge and expertise in financing, development, planning, design and engagement, we build housing and gathering spaces that meet the needs of people and groups all over the country.
We build legacies. We act as a steward of each space we build, for the people who make it a place. We do this so that the opportunities that we create today become a legacy of potential for future generations.
For us, profit is a means to create financial, social and environmental benefit. By combining market-rate and below-market-rate rental housing, we are building a financially sound foundation that means we can build more projects and create more benefits.
We are continually measuring peoples’ experiences of our projects and the benefits they bring to wider social groups. The more we listen and learn, adapt and improve, the greater the benefits we will be able to deliver to the people who live in and use our buildings.
With each project, we strive to do better. We know that we can always achieve more and that by finding new ways of doing things – improved approaches, advanced techniques and processes – we will deliver more opportunities, to more people.
We acknowledge that Kindred Works offices are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. It has been a site of human activity for at least 15,000 years.
This is Dish With One Spoon Territory. Dish With One Spoon is a treaty between the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.
© Kindred Works 2025
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